
The Waters Deep

Swim to the top. Dance on the waves!

Mercy & Grace

When my first husband and I lived in our ‘last’ house together, we were miserably unhappy.  It was the end of our marriage, and we both knew it, but we were fighting against it.  He was abusive and I was drinking too much trying to hide from the Truth.  

I had joined this really intense bible study group, Bible Study Fellowship (BSF).  You worked on it every single day and then met for four hours every week to discuss it (two days if you were a leader… which I was).  

I was struggling.  Every week I’m sitting next to these wealthy bored Christian women with seemingly perfect lives trying to hide my hangover and the fact that my husband woke me up and screamed and yelled at me for hours because I’d left a wet towel in the laundry or he wanted to go over hypothetical budgets.  Or I was processing the fact that he’d shot at the house the night before, because we had been fighting, and the neighbor lady had called the police.  It was always something.  We were both filled with indescribable hatred and anger and frustration that had been building sinse we were children, well before we collided on the same path.

I was struggling finding anything to pray about because I needed a whole lot more than prayers to save me from this shitty life I had landed in.  But I was stubborn.  I kept at it.  Week after week looking for solutions and answers to my problems.  Mostly, I was hoping for a scripture that would let me out of my marriage.  Which was ironic because the one thing this group was very solid about was that Divorce was a terrible sin.  

I was driving home after bible study and stopped at a convenience store, probably to grab wine, and ended up talking myself into giving this man, who was hitchhiking, and his two kids a ride.  Being a woman who was already leery and afraid of almost all men, I only picked him up because he had kids.  That seemed safe.  Er.  When we headed down the road and I asked where he lived, he said “Roman’s Ave”.  The hair on the back of my neck stood up instantly.  First, I had been driving this road for a year and had never heard of the street and second because I was actually studying the book of Roman’s in BSF.  

I’m feeding them out of my bag of groceries, but they aren’t eating as if they are starving.  They look like they are, but they are nibbling politely.  I notice that both kids have the brightest blue eyes I’ve ever seen and it feels like under all the dirt and worn clothes, they are tanned and healthy and almost glowing.  Which gives me this weird feeling inside my stomach.  Like something isn’t right with any of this but I can’t quite put my finger on it.

When we turned off on this sketchy dirt road, I was pretty convinced I was going to be murdered and it was fate.  And I didn’t care.  I was almost apathetic.  I was so tired of my life.  Bone weary tired.  I had been fighting and scratching and running and climbing mountains trying to find some shred of fucking happiness and it had wore me the hell out.  

I come to a gate and stop, and him and the kids get out and are standing in front of my door.  On the gate there’s a handwritten sign that says, “Roman’s 3:26”.  I know what this verse means.  I’ve been reading it over and over for three months or more.  Now I’m crying.  Hot tears just pouring out from every cell in my body.  I’m confused.  Not afraid. Just this outpouring of all the things that have been building up for all the years.  A knowing that this moment is special but not understanding what this moment really is.

They just stand there.   Awkwardly, I say, “I’m susan and it was nice to meet you”.  Ugly crying hard now.  Snot dripping from my nose and spit gathering in my mouth.  And he looks directly at me, right into me, and says, “This is Mercy & this is Grace.  And you are Free”.   

And they turn and walk around the gate and down the road. When I drove away and looked back they were nowhere to be seen.  No houses in sight.  

I never went back to see if it was real.  I didn’t have to.  The next week I told my Story during the Testimonials at the end of the Bible Study and had 300  women crying.  

It was mere days after this happened that I learned that my husband had a ‘special friend’ outside of our marriage. It’s the one biblical reason for a divorce.  I really was Free.

Years later, at a Family Rehab meeting, he apologized and asked my forgiveness for being an abusive husband.  What he didn’t know was that I had already forgiven him.

At our Grandson’s 5th birthday party, I was sitting eating chips and dip and watching my husband cooking burgers with my ex and his new wife, who is laughing with our daughter and then we all shared cake, and I had this out of body experience where I was looking at all of us from ‘outside’ and I swear I could see Little Mercy & Grace sitting amongst us all and smiling at me.  

They have followed me wherever I go and are there when I chose to really see them. 

My life has always been weird that way.  Normal for me.  I see things that other people don’t see.  Serendipitous Moments.   Connections.  I predict things are going to happen and then they do.  Is it psychic or a manifestation or a message from God / Universe?  I don’t know.  

I do know it’s miraculously painful and beautiful all at the same time and I want to share every moment of it so people will know how magic forgiveness and love really is.  No matter who the message comes from.  

Mothers Day

Relationships are complicated

For me, None more than this one

With one hand you held on tightly

with the other you shoved me away

Generational Mother Daughter conflict

Confusion, Hurt, Anger, Love, Rejection, Fear

They all became one emotion

Tangled up so deeply I couldn’t see the difference between them

Your demons and pain took you on a dark opiate laced path

I watched you slowly die for 15 years

That last day, when you said that you loved me

Almost erased all the other times when you didn’t

You said that you were sorry

And I forgave you

Now I need to forgive me

Now I need to untangle all the feelings

The anger is gone, in its place is a deep sadness

The finality of death, is shocking

We ran out of time

I wish you were still here

So I could tell you everything I’ve learned since you died

There’s so much

I’ve broke the cycle

I love you Mom

Everything you taught me or didn’t teach me

Became a part of who I am

And I love that.  I love me.  All of the bits and parts and pieces

Even the ones that came from you.  Especially the ones that came from you

That’s what I want to tell you

Thank you for it all

I love who I became because of your journey and then mine

You were exactly the Mom I was supposed to have

The Bloom

Years ago I had a friend, whom had been in my life all of my life, “Let me go”.

Literally, Physically and Mentally. I was “Let Go”.

I didn’t know it at the time but it would turn out to be one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

She told me I was too negative and angry for her. That was her perspective. That’s what she saw and felt from me.  

On my end, I was broken and filled with an intense pain and grief. Three people, whom I loved, had died all within the space and time of 21 days. One of them being my Mother. It was a pain so intense I could barely breath. My brain broke for awhile. A long while.

I couldn’t begin to understand why she chose that time in my life to abandon our friendship and I added it to my pile of loss. So much loss.

And so began the dark dark night of the soul, that started a growth and change that I will forever be grateful for.

I have come to realize, as I processed what happened, that I depended on her heavily.  We talked almost every day on the phone.  Vented and hashed out all the world’s problems. People. We talked about all the people in our lives. And mostly not in a healthy positive way.

I took most of my life cues from her.   

I looked up to her. I wanted to be loved by her. She was frugal with her love. So if I had it I would be the special one. And I was.  Out of all the family, she loved me best. So, I too, discarded relationships and friendships and family members to please her. To be like her. To hold myself above the others. 

Ironically, one of those relationships that I pushed away was my Mother. I let this other person basically replace her.  I put her above my Mom and she knew it.  They all knew it.  My Mom knew it too and I know it broke her heart.  But I justified it. 

Then she died. My Mom died.  And it all broke.  And I couldn’t fix it.  I couldn’t change it.  I’ve had to see it.  ALL the things.  Feel it.  ALL the feelings.  Grieve for myself and all that been lost. 

Then.  Slowly.  So slowly.  Forgive myself and be at peace with it.

In the healing process I was reborn as myself because I had to do it myself.  There was no one there to help create who I thought I should be.

 I became able to allow in all the love that I had pushed away for so long. I made room for relationships and friendships that I never thought would be possible. 

I’ve learned to not try to be what others want to see. 

I just AM. 

When my Dad died over a year later, she called to tell me, not that she was sorry for my loss really, although she did mention it, but mostly I think it was an opportunity for her to confirm with me that she had made the right decision for herself,  ending our toxic relationship.  I was, again, mind-boggled by her timing, but it gave me another opportunity for reflection over the ways I’ve always allowed people to treat me. 

It is true that everything that comes our way can be turned into a learning experience if we are willing to allow it.

I have always fought the end of relationships that should have ended long before they did. And then only with gnashing of the teeth and pulling of the hair.

Fear of Abandonment. Fear of being shamed.  Fear of being vulnerable. Fear of not being loved.  All those things had formed every relationship I’d ever had. She made me see it with such clarity.

Fear that I would not be liked for the person that I am, that all the emotions I thought I had well-hidden would be seen and thrown back at me like swords.

All the things I feared were laid bare. Right there in front of me. Truth.

Those two phone calls from her changed me and allowed me to Bloom into this person that I really love and care for. I will always be grateful to her for those teaching moments.

Now I show all the emotions. I feel all the feelings. I shout out all the anger. I cry all the tears. I laugh with all the Joy. I AM all the things. All the feelings. I no longer have any shame about that.

Today, I feel a peaceful ending to that relationship and nothing but gratitude and love for the purpose it served in my life.

Love. Anger. Pain

Separating the feelings of love, anger & pain has always been difficult for me.

Growing up in an abusive home, the three were so often enter-twined with each other that they eventually became the same thing.  This has made relationships with other people very complicated.  I attracted and was drawn to the people that I subconsciously knew fit the profile that felt normal.  I was miserable.  I had miserable marriages and relationships filled with conflict and pain.

It was a pattern that took a long time to recognize, but when I did, I made a conscious choice to manifest something different for myself.  To not let the past define my future. To accept nothing less than peaceful & kind people in my life.   I didn’t even know it was possible.  It is.

I’ve had to let go of a lot of people that I thought I loved.  I’ve also had to learn to open my heart up to the new ones that came.

It doesn’t mean I don’t feel anger and pain.  I now recognize that they are all separate emotions from love and you can have one without the other.

Relationships can be complicated but they don’t  have to be.



The story’s we tell

SnowThe story’s I tell myself are rarely the whole truth.   They come in strong, they feel real, but can change directions, like the winds at the edge of the ocean.

I believe the absolute truth of them until something shifts internally and I drift into another thought or belief pattern that has been there, waiting for me to see.  

Don’t set my words, thoughts and beliefs in concrete, because as I learn, grow & dream, they will change.

Today’s words don’t have to be the eternal truth.  They are just part of my story that I bring back from my Dreams.  The words are just bits and pieces of Now but not Everything.

In one story my parents are dead.  They are gone and can’t be touched ever again.  Ashes to Ashes.

Then in another story, the one where I close my eyes and drift into the unknown place, they are there laughing and telling me that everything is perfect and I’ll be all right.  They are fine.  I am fine.  I can touch my Mom in that story.  Feel her soft cheek against mine.  I can hear her say, “Oh honey” with so much love that I bring real tears, from that story, into the other.  I bring the Love too.  It’s not a word it’s a feeling.

Does a time and a place exist where this story is real?  Yes.  I just don’t have a label big enough for it.

The bad story’s.  They are fading farther and farther away.  I no longer want to tell them, to myself or to anyone else.  They no longer feel like they are a part of me.  I have let them go.  I have changed the script.  Because I can.

The Dreams are real.  Everything else is unpredictable & ever changing.


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